School leaders reconceptualising school leadership, with each other for each other Twilight Series
SASPA & SASSLA Twilight series.

Its time to think differently about school leadership!
You’re invited to join the conversation facilitated by SASPA and SASSLA as we explore reconceptualising public school leadership to meet the needs of our school communities now and in the future.
Join us for our 2024 Twilight Series “School leadership reconceptualised”. Consisting of four sessions, we will work to build our understanding of changes we feel are needed in how we view and shape school leadership. Each session will feature the presentation of current research, national and/or international, followed by facilitated discussions to assist in contextualising our thinking. Each session will contribute to the development of a final resource which will be used to further our advocacy for high quality leadership in our schools.
– Session 1 – Wednesday 20th March: Illuminating Principal Practice. Dr Chris Dolan
– Session 2 – Wednesday 29th May: Principal agency or bureaucratic compliance. Peter Mader
– Session 3 – Wednesday 19th June: The team around the Principal. Phil O’Loughlin
– Session 4 – Wednesday 23rd October: Towards a new generation of school leaders. Dr Pat Thompson
We require a separate registration for each twilight session.
If you’re a current school leader and are interested in digging deeper into what is needed to support current and aspiring leaders, we welcome your participation and contribution to our discussions.
Open to SASPA and SASSLA members
Time: All sessions will run from 4:45pm – 7:00pm.
Where: All sessions will be held at Thebarton Senior College, 40 Ashley St, Torrensville SA 5031
Light refreshments will be provided.
Online attendance is available for members unable to access the event face-to-face.
Please specify if attending online a the bottom of registration forms. Once registered, you will be added to a meeting request with a MS Teams link.
*Please note: we may have a photographer onsite for this event, if you are not comfortable with your photo being taken, please let SASPA staff know on the day of the event*
Recordings of each session
Twilight Session 1
Twilight Session 2
Twilight Session 3
Twilight Session 4