Scheduling 21st Learning Symposium Resources

On Friday 24th March 2017 a SASPA symposium was convened to consider the time and deployment issues we must address to create and support the learning paradigm outlined in Education in the 21st C.

The symposium outcomes included:

  • The value proposition for timetable transformation in support of 21st C learning was made.
  • The issues that face us in engineering timetable transformation in secondary schools were well understood.
  • A set of principles to shape timetable transformation were developed by participants (and will assist SASPA Board to develop a companion piece to its Education in the 21st C paper).

The PowerPoint presentations are below.


Wirreanda Scheduling 21st C PP

Playford SC SASPA Presentation 24 March

Roselie_Dohnt_SASPA 21C Scheduling 240317

Rob Newton SA Forum Presentation

A handout from Playford International College is below.

Playford IC Term 2 PD Meeting Program

Groups worked on time related issues using the Strategic Intention Tool.  See their work below.

Blended Learning

IR_HR Limits

Leading Change

Learning Spaces

Middle Years Senior Years Tension

Queensland Overview

Student Groupings

Teacher Time



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Image: Connecting for Equity & Community, Annette Williams – 2023
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners throughout South Australia and we pay respect to the custodians of the lands on which we live and learn. We respect their spiritual relationship with Country and acknowledge that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to those living today and we do so in the spirit of reconciliation.